Home Sapa Travel Guide Sapa weather and Climate information

Sapa weather and Climate information

Sapa weather
Sapa weather and climate information – the best time to travel to Sapa.

The climate of Sapa is highly seasonal, with a subtropical climate in the summer and a temperate climate during the winter. Average temperature for Sapa town is 15.4ºC, with a maximum of 29.4ºC and a minimum of 1ºC.

Sapa also experiences a marked wet season from May to September, with the heaviest rainfall occurring in July and August. The weather is also notorious for changing frequently and quickly. It is said that only in Sapa, one can experience many different seasons within only one day.

Month Weather features
January Coldest month, cloudy, foggy but not too wet. better from early days and gets worse to the later half of the month.
February Very cold in early days, cloudy, foggy. Getting warmer & better towards later days.
March Much nicer and warmer than Feb, more sunshine
April Summer start, dry, clear, warm enough
May Starting rainy season with quick shower occasionally, clear sky with more sunshine but little bit warm in the open at noon.
June Warm but not as hot like other region. Clear sky, much sunshine but summer shower get more but not too wet
July Among the 2 worst months of the year caused by summer shower
August The peak month of typhoon and rain
September Autumn starts, getting drier and normally very nice towards the end of the month.
October Cool, dry, sunshine almost everyday, clear sky
Cooler, dry. May be misty and foggy towards the end but nice
December Wet winter starts and get worse at the later days of the month.

Best time travel to visit
In the summer, Sapa is a popular escape destination for domestic travellers, which may hamper the authentic and original experience of the town. This high season often falls between June and August. March-May and September- November are the two recommended periods to visit Sapa if you want a more laid-back natural and rejuvenating holiday.